November 25, 2010

Eating on Thanksgiving - 3 Healthy Tips

Believe me, I know the food is amazing, I absolutely love holiday-oriented foods (all the sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc, SOOO good!) but the holidays aren't a get-our-of-diet-jail-free-card! Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for many people, but it is also detrimental to people who are on a diet and trying to lose weight. Below are 3 easy tips to stay on track with your fitness goals!

1. Only make one plate. Seconds are great, but chances are the food on your first plate was enough. Take a scan of the foods that are available and plan what matters to you and what doesn't matter. Also, chances are there aren't many surprises; you don't need to "try" everything if its the same foods you've had year after year.

2. Be mindful. Be aware of what you're eating. I have done this myself and have noticed other people doing it... "It's a holiday, I'll take this opportunity to eat what I want, it's only one day." No, it's not just one day, the holiday is a complete season and there are many opportunities to fall off track. If you don't let go for one day, then it makes it even EASIER to be strong on the other days.

3. Metabolism! If you have a chance to work out in the morning take it! Not only will you feel better, but you won't feel like taking a super-siesta after your one big delicious plate of food. If you've been exercising this is great, you get to eat great food with your friends and family and not suffer with them. ;)

4. Bonus Tip! BE THANKFUL. This holiday supposedly emerged from not having food and then being given the opportunity to not only survive the season but to enjoy it too. Be thankful for the food you have and remember there are less fortunate people in the world that could use your help.


Anonymous said...

great tips, andrew jen. =]

i think people should also take the time to eat their food. i often see people inhaling foods like there is no tomorrow (not just on thanksgiving but on a regular basis), and they end up over-eating because they're not giving their bodies a chance to really digest. i think to truly appreciate food is to savor every bite. then one might notice that they really are satisfied after just one serving.

Andrew Aviles said...

Thanks Calla, that is very true. When I first lost my weight that was something I did often, I made sure to thoroughly enjoy every bite instead of scarfing food down.

Ram said...

Should have read this before hand. I really feel like crud after thanksgiving. The next day was just spent lying around, and the day after that. Pretty horrible health wise.

kittymonkey said...

Well, I read this before kthnxgiving diner, and still ate too much. My family has a habit of putting out chips and salsa before dinner, and that was my downfall.
However, a few hours after we ate, we busted out a dancing game on the Wii, and that was a great fun workout for the family.
I thought that was a fun way to get some exercise during the holiday family time.