December 26, 2010

How to Live Forever, Power of Juicing

or close enough to it. ;)

One of my best friends got an awesome gift for Christmas. He has received a key factor into eternal life. With this key he will live many years with glowing skin, healthy organs and a vital spirit that will span millennia. Being his roommate I will also be on this journey with him. This isn't science-fiction, it's real, and it's in our kitchen... have you guessed what it is yet? (The giant picture makes it pretty obvious)...


photo cred:

The fact that we got home late meant nothing. Within minutes we were set up and juicing apples, spinach, ginger and anything else we could think of. The model we got is an omega vertical juicer. This site has great information and the owner has a lot of good youtube videos to introduce you to juicing.

(note I'm not affiliated with these sites, just sharing them as an awesome resource for juicing info)

Just to summarize, juicing extracts all the important nutrients from vegetables and fruits. It is an easy way to increase your overall health and wellbeing quickly and efficiently. Since the produce is in juice form it is super easy to digest and quickly enters the bloodstream delivering all the nutrients your body craves.

I'll update more on juicing later so check back for more info!

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