February 10, 2011

Why Diets Fail - Weight Loss Truth

All so called diets are made-up. That is not to say they won't work, but a diet is simply a plan of eating habits you subscribe to. I want to encourage you to consciously know, without a doubt, that diets fail because people try to force eating habits into their lives they aren't ready for. 

For example, if I'm a professional couch potato and I try to run a marathon, how successful will I be? I know for a fact I would run one block filled with the best intentions to finish, and suddenly find myself gasping for air and giving up. How discouraging is that? Very, if you ask me.

Another reason diets fail is cultural conditioning. If you are trying to set healthier habits, like eating more veggies or avoiding white carbs, how easy does our culture make it for us? The majority of restaurants don't truly have your health in mind. Again, it doesn't mean they're out to make you fat, it's just a lot easier to sell junk foods that cost less and are heavy on everyone's favorite flavors; salt and sugar.

If you really want to lose weight it's pretty simple.

+Eat more protein
+Eat more vegetables

-Eat less sugar
-Eat less salty/fatty/oily food

Also realize exercise isn't an option, it is a necessity. Set small goals. When I first lost 100 lbs, I started running for 30 seconds and walking for 2 minutes. I can now run 3 miles in under 25 minutes which is a stark contrast to where I started. The point is, make goals and work your way up. Some other baby steps I made were cutting out all drinks except water, coffee and tea. I figured I'd rather eat calories than drink them.

Diets will always come and go; if you want to lose weight my humble advice is to make small goals. I lost my first 5 pounds just avoiding soda. I lost the next 20 when I realized I was eating too much after writing everything I ate down on paper. I lost the rest in this manner, slowly avoiding unhealthy foods, getting accustomed to healthier ones, and building up a tolerance for exercise (which becomes enjoyable).


Anonymous said...

very encouraging information! thank you. =]

i find that it helps me to set small goals to reach an ultimate goal. for example, i cut out white bread first and gradually white rice (which is pretty much a staple in my culture). i feel much better about my body because i've taken steps to make it healthier.

Vitamins Canada said...

There are times that dieting fails. We shouldn't immediately give up on it. We must find out what are the reasons why it fails and search for solutions.

Andrew Aviles said...

Yeah Calla, it's much easier if you change a bit at a time.

I'm not saying to give up, I'm simply stating that diets usually fail because people aren't ready to follow them even though where bombarded with diet after diet.

The best diet is one that is balanced and long-term.